India is a curry nation

May 9, 2020 By Soorya

India is a curry nation

Yes, India is a curry nation,  you can find curry in every recipe.  In every food, We unite as we are foodies with separate tests. like north Indian food, south Indian, coastal food, Mughalai, salt sour, Spicy, Sweet, Melody. What else needed.? Let’s follow this section in this portal you will taste all these different foods.  so stay connected.

Indian cuisine consists of a wide variety of regional and traditional cuisines, native to the Indian subcontinent. Given the range of diversity in soil type, climate, culture, ethnic groups, and occupations. These cuisines vary substantially from each other and use locally available spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits. Indian food is also heavily influenced by religion. In particular, Hindu, and cultural choices and traditions. and also Middle Eastern and Central Asian influences have occurred on North  Indian cuisine from the years of Mughal rule. Indian cuisine is still evolving as a result of the Nation’s cultural interactions with other society

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Soorya Prakash

Adman. Creative Designer. Web Designer. Digital & Marketer. Social Media Strategist. Photographer. Traveller. Nature Lover.